Best Study Plan to Crack NDA Written Examination in 1 Month

When most of the students are unaware of the ways of preparation, how can they prepare themselves for the NDA Written Exam in just one month? It seems a herculean task. One month time is not adequate for all types of students for sure, but there are certain students who can crack the exams in one month if they get the proper guidance and aim.

What Is NDA?

Before going into the deep about the strategy to be developed for the month, let us be very precise and clear about what NDA exactly is and how to serve there? National Defense Academy (NDA) is an academy of the Indian Armed forces. This academy conducts the exams for the Indian students to test their eligibility to join any of the 3 wings of the defense services. Once they clear the exams, they are given a chance to take admission in such courses.

NDA Exam Syllabus and Paper Pattern

NDA Exams are conducted for two times in a year. The exams are again soon approaching. Before developing any strategy to clear the examination, it is necessary to know the syllabus of NDA examination. In general, NDA papers are based on only two subjects: Maths and General Ability.

Subject No. Of Question Total Marks
General Ability 150 questions 600 marks
Mathematics 120 questions 300 marks
SSB Interview &PI    Mental, Physical test 900 marks
TOTAL 1800 marks

The total duration of the exam is 2.30 hours. Remember, your work is not done after qualifying both the papers. After that, you need to give an SSB Interview. This interview is also of 900 marks. It includes the marks physical, medical and PI test. So the total paper of NDA is of 1800 marks.

NDA Important Topic for Written Exam

NDA entrance exam paper is a multi-choice question paper. Both the subjects i.e. Maths and General Ability have some specific topic limits. Let us understand, which topics are to be prepared well for qualifying the NDA Exams.

For Math: Trigonometry, Algebra, Determinants, Matrices, Vector Algebra, Differential calculus, Integral calculus, Statistics and Probability, Analytical Geometry.

For General Ability: English (Vocabulary and Grammar), General Knowledge related to History, Geography, General Science, Current events, Physics, Chemistry.

One Month Strategy  NDA Mathematics Paper

Now, you know well that all the topics covered in the NDA Exams are based on the syllabus of classes 10th, 11th, and 12th. The topics will not be very difficult for you to practice, but you need to increase your speed and accuracy if you really want to crack the exams. Follow the below-mentioned tips if you really want to clear the exam in one go and if you have only a limited time left, say one month.

  1. Clear your basics: Learn the formulas, calculations, and methods from the books of class 10th and 12th. On a daily basis learn the formulas, before going to bed.
  2. To start your practice, take out the past NDA papers and solve them. If you are done with them, start solving the NDA sample papers.
  3. Consider NDA Books: Prepare questions from the NDA exam books available in the market. They can be solved easily in a month.
  4. Learn Short-Tricks: Instead of just learning the formulas and method, make a list of short-cuts and tricks, to solve the tricky questions or some questions may entirely eat up your time.
  5. Manage your time: When you really want to prepare for NDA in a month, you really have to go for effective management. Prepare a timetable and make sure that you give some time for each and every topic in a month. Revise your learned content daily.

Remember: Time duration for the Maths paper is just 150 minutes, so effective time management skills in solving the questions is very important. Never give any question more than the decided time allotted for each question.

1 Month Strategy NDA General Ability Paper

As discussed, the GA paper consists of 150 questions of 600 marks. The paper is well divided into two parts: General Knowledge and English Paper. The paper is not difficult at all. Only your basic IQ level and knowledge are tested in this section.  This paper is very scoring.

Strategy to prepare for English

  • Know and learn the Basic English grammar rules. If you have Wren and Martin Grammar book, you are easy to go with the rules of grammar. Do not take a lot of books into consideration or you may end up in a mess, as you have only a month left.
  • Divide the topics and then divide your time topic-wise.
  • Vocab and Grammar are not easy to master in a month. But if you were an avid learner, in the long run, you are not going to have much difficulty with that. Just keep on revising. However good we are in English, sometimes, we forget the basic grammar rules. So keep revising the rules.
  • Try to learn at least 40-50 new English words daily for a month.
  • Give online English practice test to test your knowledge and build your confidence.

Strategy to prepare for General Ability

This section contains 100 questions only which carry 400 marks in total. Mostly, the examiners here test your basic general knowledge and your awareness about the latest events happening around the world. The spread of this subject is very vast and one month is just not sufficient for it.

But if you are a good reader and read a newspaper daily, you will not get disappointed. Your reading habits can help you much on this subject. Here are some tips, if you want to follow:

  1. Read newspaper daily and watch daily news bulletin daily on TV.
  2. As every topic is important, divide your time in a manner to give at least some time to each and every topic.
  3. Refer class 12 books for physics and chemistry. Apart from that, for each topic refer to the textbooks of class 10.
  4. Apart from theoretical knowledge, amass some practical knowledge of the subjects like physics and chemistry.
  5. Take and read some good book on environmental sciences.
  6. Solve all the NDA last year question papers. It will give you a good idea of what the examiners ask most of a particular topic. So you can manage your time and topic accordingly.

Last Minute Tips to Clear NDA in 1 Month

When you have prepared for the subject matter well and you are finally going to face the examination, you need to remember some last minute advice.

  • Stay calm and motivated at the last minute. Undue stress is not going to help anyhow.
  • To keep yourself calm, take a good rest a day before the examination. This helps your brain to function well and not to break because of any nervousness whatsoever.
  • Revise from the prepared notes like a wise student.
  • Reach the examination hall 10-15 minutes before time.
  • Stick to the time limit you have set for each of question.
  • Read the statement of choices very attentively. This is where most of the students make mistake.
  • Constantly remind yourself to be positive whenever you start to feel low.

Endnote: Dear NDA aspirant, if you are preparing for the exams for the first time, it is important for you to prepare smart than hard. Develop your own one-month strategy that matches your intelligence level.

No one else other than you knows you better. Only serious efforts with smart time management are going to help you to prepare for NDA Exam in a month.

We wish you ALL THE BEST in your endeavor.


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  1. Very well explained
    I liked ur website.

    1. Prof. Mohan Singh Rawat

      Glas to hear,
      Visit our more article if you want.
      Stay tuned for the updates.

  2. For class 9th students how to prepare for NDA exam, subjects Math, physics, chemistry, current affairs, general science.

    1. Prof. Rajeev Mehra

      The best you can do right now to prepare for NDA is keep yourself physically fit and try to develop qualities that are needed in an officers. But, most importantly, you need to focus on your studies. Make sure you understand each and every topic because if you keep your basic clear, then you can easily prepare for higher level exams in future classes.

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