UPSSSC VDO Mock Test – Online Test 2024

The Village Development Officer (VDO) or gram vikas adhikari exam conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Commission (UPSSSC) is one of the most applied exams in UP. This exam consists of questions mainly from Hindi, general intelligence, and general knowledge (GK).

UPSSSC VDO Mock Test 2024 – Hindi

Q1. ‘अलि-अली’ शब्द युग्म का सही अर्थक्या है ?

  1. कं धा-हिस्सा
  2. भौंरा-सखी
  3. दमन-दामन
  4. दसन-दर्शन
  5. Answer is: भौंरा-सखी

नीचे दिए गए गद्यांश को पढ़ कर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए (Q2-Q5 )

कुन्ती अपने लाडले लाल को, अपने हृदय के टुकडे को, अपने प्यारे नवजात शिशु को नदी में छोड़ कर लौट आयी। वह छोटी नदी थी। वायु अनुकूल थी, दैव की गति जानी नहीं जाती। वह नदी चम्बल नदी में जाकर मिलती है। अब शिशु की पिटारी बहती-बहती चम्बल नदी में आ गयी। इटावे के पास चम्बल नदी आकर श्रीयमुना जी में मिलती है अतः चम्बल के प्रवाह कें साथ वह भी यमुना जी मेंआ गयी और यमुना जी के साथ प्रयाग की ओर बढ़ी। तीर्थराज प्रयाग में जाकर श्री यमुना जी गंगा जी में मिल जाती है अतः अब वह मंजूषा शिशु को लेकर काशी की ओर बहने लगी। उसके साथ न कोई मल्लाह था न पथ प्रर्दशक। भाग्य उसे स्वयं ही बहा कर लेजा रहा था। काशीपुरी, पाटलिपुत्र आदि राज्यों की सीमा को पार करती हुई गंगा जी के प्रवाह के साथ वह मंजूषा बिना किसी रूकावट के आगे बढी चली जा रही थी। आगे चलकर वह अंग देश की सीमा में पहुँची। अब मानो उसकी यात्र समाप्त होगी उसी समय चंपा नगरी के राजा अधिरथ अपनी स्त्री राधा और अपने सेवकों के सहित गंगा स्नान करने आये थे। उन्होंने दूर से इस सुन्दर-सी पेटी को जाह्नवी की लहरों के साथ क्रीड़ा करते देखा। अंत में उन्होंने अपने सेवकों को आज्ञा दी – सामने यह जो मंजूषा बहती जा रही है उसे पकड़ कर लाओ।

Q2. कुंती अपने नवजात सुकुमार शिशु को कहाँ छोडकर आई थी?

  1. तालाब
  2. नदी
  3. समुद्र
  4. कुआ
  5. Answer is: नदी

Q3. मंजूषा मेंकौन था?

  1. सेवक
  2. मल्लाह
  3. पथप्रदर्शक
  4. शिशु
  5. Answer is: शिशु

Q4. राजा अधिरथ नेसेवकोंको क्या आज्ञा दी थी?

  1. मंजूषा को लानेकी
  2. शिशुको लानेकी
  3. सेना को लानेकी
  4. राधा को लाने
  5. Answer is: मंजूषा को लानेकी

Q5. चम्पा नगरी के राजा किसके साथ गंगा-स्नान करने आए थे?

  1. राधा और सेवक
  2. सेना और सेवक
  3. राधा और सेना
  4. सेना और शिशु
  5. Answer is: राधा और सेवक

Q6. जिह्वा के आधार पर स्वर कितने प्रकार के होतेहैं?

  1. दो
  2. तीन
  3. चार
  4. सात
  5. Answer is: तीन

Q7. निम्न मेंकौन सा शब्द पुल्लिंग है?

  1. आशा
  2. कष्ट
  3. क्षमा
  4. सेन
  5. Answer is: कष्ट

Q8. ‘सदानन्द’ का सन्धि विच्छेद कीजिए।

  1. सत् + आनन्द
  2. सत + आनन्द
  3. सद + आनन्द
  4. सदा़ + आनन्द
  5. Answer is: सत् + आनन्द

Q9. ‘संग्राम’ मेंउपसर्ग बताइए।

  1. सन्
  2. सम्
  3. सत
  4. Answer is: सम्

Q10. ‘पर्वतीय’ मेंकौन सा विशेषण है ?

  1. गुणवाचक विशेषण
  2. संख्यावाचक विशेषण
  3. परिमाणवाचक विशेषण
  4. सार्वनामिक विशेषण
  5. Answer is: गुणवाचक विशेषण

Q11. ‘अध्यक्ष’ मेंकौन सा उपसर्ग है ?

  1. अभि
  2. अधि
  3. अत
  4. अद
  5. Answer is: अधि

Q12. उपसर्ग किसे कहते हैं ?

  1. किसी शब्द के बाद मेंजुडता है।
  2. किसी शब्द के मधय मेंजुडता है।
  3. किसी शब्द के आगेजुडता है।
  4. शब्द मेंकहींभी जुड सकता ह
  5. Answer is: किसी शब्द के आगेजुडता है।

Q13. ‘अभय-उभय’ शब्द युग्म का सही अर्थ है।

  1. निर्भय-दोंनों
  2. हवा-अग्नि
  3. पढ़ना-पढ़ाना
  4. दोनों-निर्भय
  5. Answer is: पढ़ना-पढ़ाना

Q14. ‘आकाश’ का विलोम बताइए।

  1. अम्बर
  2. पाताल
  3. अनर्थ
  4. अनघ
  5. Answer is: पाताल

Q15. कौन सा शब्द ‘अनीक’ का पर्यायवाची है?

  1. अर्जुन
  2. सेना
  3. अग्नि
  4. घोड
  5. Answer is: सेना

VDO Online Test 2024 – General Inteligence

Q16. Deepak left his office and walked towards East for 5 km and then turned left and walked for 12 km to reach his home. Madan, who works in the same office, left the office and walked towards West for 5 km and then turned left and walked for 12 km to reach his home. What is the shortest distance between Deepak’s and Madan’s home?

  1. 17 km
  2. 24 km
  3. 26 km
  4. 34 km
  5. Answer is: 26 km

Q17. At a hospital, a certain number of patients are waiting for doctor consultation. 40 patients have diabetes and 30 patients have high blood pressure. 22 patients have both diabetes as well as high blood pressure, while 17 patients have neither diabetes nor high blood pressure. What is the total number of patients waiting at the hospital?

  1. 56
  2. 65
  3. 87
  4. 109
  5. Answer is: 65

Q18. Out of a group of 25 tourists, 10 can speak Gujarati, 12 can speak Marathi, 5 can speak both Gujarati as well as Marathi. Identify the number of people who can neither speak Gujarati nor Marathi.

  1. 6
  2. 7
  3. 8
  4. 9
  5. Answer is: 8

Q19. The below names are related by certain logic. From the options, select the one that can be made a part of this group of names.
Tarapur, Kudankulam, Kaiga, Kakrapar,Kalpakkam, Narora

  1. Koyna
  2. Rawatbhata
  3. Ukai
  4. Bhakra Nanga
  5. Answer is: Rawatbhata

Q20. From the below names, identify the odd one out.

  1. Jim Corbett
  2. Ranthambore
  3. Bandhavgarh
  4. Tungabhadra
  5. Answer is: Tungabhadra

Q21. Find the pair which is differently related in comparison with the others:

  1. Labourer : Industry
  2. Teacher : Classroom
  3. Driver : Vehicle
  4. Doctor : Patient
  5. Answer is: Labourer : Industry

Q22. Identify the odd one from the below list of names.


  1. IDBI
  2. SEBI
  3. UCO
  4. HSBC
  5. Answer is: SEBI

Q23. Out of a group of 25 tourists, 10 can speak Gujarati, 12 can speak Marathi, 5 can speak both Gujarati as well as Marathi. Identify the number of people who can neither speak Gujarati nor Marathi.

  1. 6
  2. 7
  3. 8
  4. 9
  5. Answer is: 8

Q24. The sale of motorcycles in October month depends on how good the monsoon has been in the previous few months. The current year received more than expected rainfall in most parts of India. Which of the below conclusions about motorcycle manufacturing companies can be drawn from above ?

  1. Companies will increase prices of motorcycles to increase profitability
  2. Companies will reduce manpower count to curtail costs
  3. The company revenue will increase even if the prices remain unchanged
  4. The market shares of each of the companies will increase further with good sales
  5. Answer is: The company revenue will increase even if the prices remain unchanged

Q25. When people buy new homes, they also buy consumer durable products such as fridge, TV, washing machine, etc. The sale of new flats depends on the home loan interest rates. It is expected that the banks will cut the interest rates by at least 1% next year, which is a big reduction. Which of the below conclusions can be drawn from above?

  1. The consumer durable product companies will have to give heavy discounts to promote their sales.
  2.  The government will relax foreign investment norms to attract more multinational brands of consumer durables to India.
  3. Real estate sector and consumer durable companies will witness high growth in sales.
  4. The sales of consumer durables on e-commerce sites will grow much faster than the sales in shopping malls.
  5. Answer is: Real estate sector and consumer durable companies will witness high growth in sales.

Q26. Doctor has advised me to consume less sugar as I have diabetes. So I am eating less ice cream. From this statement, identify which of the below assumptions is implicit?

  1. Ice cream contains less sugar and eating ice cream helps to reduce the effects of diabetes.
  2. Eating ice cream reduces sugar levels in the body, which worsens diabetes.
  3. Ice cream contains sugar, so consuming less ice cream helps to reduce sugar intake.
  4. Ice cream is a remedy for diabetes, so consuming ice cream in small quantity is good for health.
  5. Answer is: Ice cream contains sugar, so consuming less ice cream helps to reduce sugar intake.

Q27. Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term.
Book : Read :: Speech : ?

  1. Copy
  2. Dictate
  3. Listen
  4. Ignore
  5. Answer is: Listen

Q28. In a certain code language, if “WATER” is coded as “XCWIW” and “DREAM” is coded as “ETHER”, then how would “TIGER” be coded in that language?

  1. VLKJX
  2. UKIJW
  3. VKJIW
  4. UKJIW
  5. Answer is: UKJIW

Q29. A is the father-in-law of B, who is the mother of C. D is the mother of E, who is the father of F and C. How is A related to E?

  1. Husband
  2. Father-in-law
  3. Brother
  4. Father
  5. Answer is: Father

Q30. Read the below statements.
All horses are donkeys.

All donkeys are monkeys.

No monkey is a tiger.

Which of the below conclusions logically follow(s) from the above statements?

a) All horses are monkeys.

b) Some donkeys are tigers.

c) Some monkeys are horses.

d) Some monkeys are donkeys.

  1. Conclusions a, b and c follow.
  2. Conclusions a, b and d follow.
  3. Conclusions b, c and d follow
  4. Conclusions a, c and d follow
  5. Answer is: Conclusions a, c and d follow

VDO Mock Test – General Knowledge

Q31. Triveni Sangam of Uttar Pradesh is the place of confluence of which of the following rivers?

  1. Ganga, Yamuna, Narmada
  2. Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati
  3. Ganga, Yamuna, Tapti
  4. Ganga, Yamuna, Sindhu
  5. Answer is: Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati

Q32. ASSOCHAMUP is a State level, premier Chamber of Trade, Commerce and Industry, representing large, medium and small units in private, cooperative and public sectors. What is the full form of ASSOCHAMUP?

  1. The Associated Chambers of Uttar Pradesh
  2. The Associated Chambers of Trade and Commerce of Uttar Pradesh
  3. The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industrial Development of Uttar Pradesh
  4. The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Uttar Pradesh
  5. Answer is: The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Uttar Pradesh

Q33. Which of these is NOT a district in Uttar Pradesh?

  1. Amethi
  2. Basti
  3. Dehradun
  4. Meerut
  5. Answer is: Dehradun

Q34. Which of these pairs of event and date is NOT matched correctly ?

  1. Delhi became the new capital of India – 1911
  2. Mahatma Gandhi launched the Champaran campaign in Bihar to draw attention to the grievances of indigo planters – 1917
  3. BG Tilak founded Indian Home Rule League with its headquarters at Poona – 1914
  4. Subhash Chandra Bose resigned as the president of the INC – 1939
  5. Answer is: BG Tilak founded Indian Home Rule League with its headquarters at Poona – 1914

Q35. Which of these theories related to origin of Solar System is correctly matched?

  1. Nebular Hypothesis : Archimedes
  2. Tidal Hypothesis : James Jeans & Harold Jeffrey
  3. Gaseous Hypothesis : Chamberlin and Moulton
  4. Planetesimal Hypothesis : Kant
  5. Answer is: Tidal Hypothesis : James Jeans & Harold Jeffery

Q36. Which of these is NOT among the important hill resorts of Lesser Himalayas or the Himachal?

  1. Banasura
  2. Chhail
  3. Ranikhet
  4. Nainital
  5. Answer is: Banasura

Q37. Which of these is NOT a tier in the Three-Tier System of Panchayati Raj in India?

  1. Village Panchayat
  2. Panchayat Samiti
  3. Zilla Parishad
  4. Municipal Parishad
  5. Answer is: Municipal Parishad

Q38. With the introduction of the new liberal economic policy of 1991, Indian economy addressed the prevailing economic problems     through all of the following, EXCEPT:

  1. Industrialisation
  2. Globalisation
  3. Privatisation
  4. Liberalisation
  5. Answer is: Industrialisation

Q39. Gandhiji’s idea of Village Sarvodaya implied that an ideal village must fulfil certain conditions. Which of the following is NOT among those conditions?

  1. The caste system should be abolished
  2. The places of worship should be built beside each other to develop a sense of brotherhood
  3. It should have a dharamshala and a small dispensary
  4. It should be self-sufficient in matters of food and clothing
  5. Answer is: The places of worship should be built beside each other to develop a sense of brotherhood.

Q40. Which of the following is INCORRECT?

  1. Passage Exercise (PASSEX) 2018 is a naval exercise between India and Indonesia.
  2. Coordinated Patrol (CORPAT) is an annual exercise between India and Pakistan.
  3. Indra-2018 is a joint military exercise between India and Russia.
  4. Trilateral Naval Exercise Malabar 2018 is held among three countries – India, Japan and United States.
  5. Answer is: Coordinated Patrol (CORPAT) is an annual exercise between India and Pakistan.

Q41. In March 2018, the Government of India extended urea subsidy to farmers till 2020. What was the aim of this initiative?

  1. Ensuring supply of urea in all villages
  2. Ensuring adequate supply of urea at statutory controlled prices
  3. Ensuring availability of urea to all farmers irrespective of their land sizes
  4. Ensuring better agricultural production using uninterrupted supply of urea
  5. Answer is: Ensuring adequate supply of urea at statutory controlled prices

Q42. Identify the correct match.

  1. Microwave Oven – Percy Spencer
  2. Transformer – Pierre Vernier
  3. Battery – William Stanley
  4. Vernier Caliper – Alessandro Volta
  5. Answer is: Microwave Oven – Percy Spencer

Q43.  If we deduct depreciation from GNP the measure of aggregate income that we obtain is called

  1. Gross Domestic Product at market prices
  2. Gross Domestic Product
  3. Net National Product
  4. Personal income
  5. Answer is: Net National Product

Q44. ______takes oath as new Meghalaya Governor in October 2022.

  1. B.D. Mishra
  2. A K Anil Kumar
  3. Prashant Kumar
  4. Sunil Barthwal
  5. Answer is: B.D. Mishra

Q45. The first session of Indian National congress was held at .

  1. Bombay
  2. Madras
  3. Calcutta
  4. Surat
  5. Answer is: Bombay

  Q46.  In the early eleventh century, the Chola king Rajendra I built a Shiva temple and filled it with a Sun-pedestal seized from the ______

  1. Palas
  2. Vakatakas
  3. Chalukyas
  4. Kalingas
  5. Answer is: Chalukyas

Q47. Which team became the first IPL team to win the IPL title for the fifth time in 2020?

  1. Delhi Capitals
  2. Chennai Super Kings
  3. Royal Challengers Bangalore
  4. Mumbai Indians
  5. Answer is: Mumbai Indians

Q48. Which of the following conspiracies was linked to the train robbery in 1925?

  1. Kakori Conspiracy
  2. Delhi Conspiracy
  3. Peshawar Conspiracy
  4. Muzaffarpur Conspiracy
  5. Answer is: Kakori Conspiracy

Q49. When was the Fit India movement launched to encourage Indians to include fitness activities and sports in their daily lives to pave the way for a healthy and fit lifestyle?

  1. June 2019
  2. July 2019
  3. September 2019
  4.  August 2019
  5. Answer is: August 2019

Q50. Who among the following took oath as Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir in August 2020?

  1. Farooq Khan
  2. Satya Pal Mal k
  3. Girish Chandra Murmu
  4. Manoj Sinha
  5. Answer is: Manoj Sinha

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