Indian Army Mathematics Question Paper – Hindi PDF

Practice Indian Army Soldier GD, Clerk, Havildar, Technical, Tradesman and Nursing Assistant mathematics section online. All the questions are collected from the previous year question papers and hence, can be marked as important ones.

You may also like to download Indian army sample papers, and also the written exam syllabus of the Indian army GD.

Indian Army Mathematics Questions – Online Test

Q1. किसी दो संख्या का योगफल 22 है तथा उनका गुणनफल 40 है । इन संख्याओं के व्युत्क्रम का योगफल कितना होगा?
if the sum of two numbers is 22 and their product is 40 then what will be the sum of their inverse?

  1. 11/20
  2. 4
  3. 2
  4. 1/2
  5. Answer is: 11/20
  1. Solution with Explanation
  2. According to the question
    x +y = 22
    x*y = 40
    from this, x = 22-y
    Further, y²-22y+40 = 0
    y²-(20+2)y+40= 0
    y²-20y-2y+40= 0
    y=2 ; y = 20
    If y = 2 ; x = 20
    If y = 20 ; x = 2
    Sum of the inverse of x and y
    1/x + 1/y
    1/20 + 1/2

Q2. किसी त्रिभुज का एक कोण बाकी दो कोणों के योगफल के बराबर है तो बताएं त्रिभुज कैसा होगा?
If one angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of other two angles then the type of the triangle will be?

  1. न्यूनकोण त्रिभुज/Acute triangle
  2. समकोण त्रिभुज/Right Triangle
  3. अधिकोण त्रिभुज/Obtuse Triangle
  4. विषमबाहु त्रिभुज/Scalene triangle
  5. Answer is: समकोण त्रिभुज/Right Triangle
  1. Solution with Explanation
  2. Let ABC be a triangle.
    Given that ∠A=∠B+∠C
    So ∠B+∠C +∠B+∠C =180
    2(∠B+∠C) =180
    ∠B+∠C =90
    Hence ∠A=90 it is a right angled triangle

Q3. किसी त्रिभुज ABC में tan A + tan B + tan C का मान क्या होगा?
In a triangle ABC, calculate tan A + tan B + tan C.

  1. 1
  2. 0
  3. tan A. tan B. tan C
  4. -1
  5. Answer is: tan A. tan B. tan C
  1. Solution with Explanation
  2. In triangle ABC, ∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180°
    A + B + C = 180° or
    A + B = 180 – C
    tan (A + B) = tan (180 – C) = tan C
    (tan A + tan B)/(1 – tan A*tan B) = tan C
    tan A + tan B = tan C – tan A*tan B*tan C
    tan A + tan B + tan C = tan A*tan B*tan C

Q4. मान ज्ञात करें : ( sin 2 45 0 + cos 2 45 0 ) / tan 2 60 0
Calculate : ( sin 2 45 0 + cos 2 45 0 ) / tan 2 60 0

  1. 13/16
  2. 5
  3. 1/3
  4. -1/2
  5. Answer is: 1/3
  1. Solution with Explanation
  2. ( sin 2 45 0 + cos 2 45 0 ) / tan 2 60 0
    = 1 / tan 2 60 [ since sin 2 θ + cos 2 θ = 1 ]
    = 1/ (√3) 2
    = 1 / 3

Q5. दो समान्तर रेखा 3x + 4y + 10 = 0 एवं 3x + 4y – 10 = 0 के बीच की दूरी क्या होगी?
Find the distance between two parallel lines 3x + 4y + 10 = 0 and 3x + 4y – 10 = 0

  1. 0
  2. -4√5
  3. 2√5
  4. 3
  5. Answer is: 3
  1. Solution with Explanation
  2. 3x + 4y + 5 = 0 and
    3x + 4y – 10 = 0
    y-intercept = 10/4 = 2.5 at point P(0, 2.5)Distance d, from P(0, 2.5) to line [1] is :d = [3(0) +4(2.5) +5] / [(3)^2 + (4)^2]d = 15 / 5 = 3 units

Q6. किसी घन के दो विकर्ण के बीच का कोण क्या होता है?
What is the angle between two diagonals of a cube?

  1. 45°
  2. 60°
  3. 90°
  4. cos-1(1/3)
  5. Answer is: cos-1(1/3)
  1. Solution with Explanation
  2. sides of the cube are  a, b and c
    diagonal = d
    Diagonal #1 = a + b +c =D
    Diagonal #2 = b+a +c= Dx.y= |x||y|cos d#1.#2-> (a+b+c).(-b+a+c)= |D||D|cos d —(1)(a+b+c).(-b+a+c)=a.a + -b.b + c.c ( a.c, a.b or a.c=0 since there are orthogonal) and a.a=b.b=c.c
    =a.a=|a|^2 —-(2)
    by Scalar, d^2= c^2 + b^2 + a^2 since a=b=c,
    D^2=|D||D|=3a^2 = —-(3)
    Substitute (2) and (3) in (1);|a|^2= 3|a|^2 Cos d
    Cos d= 1/3

Q7. ABC तीन कुलक है और A ∪ (B ∩ C) = x है, तो x का मान क्या होगा?
if ABC is a set of 3 and A ∪ (B ∩ C) = x, then find x.

  1. (A ∩ C) ∪ (B ∩ C)
  2. (A ∪ C) ∩ (B ∪ C)
  3. (A ∪ B) ∩ (B ∪ C)
  4. इनमे से कोई भी नहीं/none of the above
  5. Answer is: (A ∪ B) ∩ (B ∪ C)
  1. Solution with Explanation
  2. A ∪ (B ∩ C)
    Individually, it will become
    (A ∪ B) and (B ∪ C)
    Further, they will intersect and form
    (A ∪ B) ∩ (B ∪ C)

Q8. A एक सार्वत्रिक कुलक है, तो E ∩ A किसके बराबर होगा?
If A is a universal set then E ∩ A will be equal to?

  1. E
  2. A
  3. ϕ
  4. इनमे से कोई भी नहीं/none of the above
  5. Answer is: ϕ
  1. Solution with Explanation
  2. There will be no intersection between E and the universal set A
    ∴ E ∩ A = ϕ

Q9. दशमलव संख्या 43 को बाइनरी संख्या में बदलो
Convert 43 in the binary number system.

  1. (111111)2
  2. (101011)2
  3. (101101)2
  4. (110101)2
  5. Answer is: (101011)2
  1. Solution with Explanation
  2. Binary 43 = 1010112
    The binary for 43 is 101011

Q10. यदि 5x2 + 13x + k = 0 का एक मूल दूसरे मूल का व्युत्क्रम है तो k का मान क्या होगा?
if one root of 5x2 + 13x + k = 0 is equal to the inverse of another root then the value of k is?

  1. 13
  2. 5
  3. 0
  4. इनमे से कोई भी नहीं/none of the above
  5. Answer is: 5
  1. Solution with Explanation
  2. In a quadratic equation ax² + bx + c = 0
    Product of roots = c/a
    Here we have the equation 5x^2 + 13x + k = 0
    Product of roots = k/5If one root is equal to the inverse of the other, then let one root is p, the other would be 1/p. So, thier product will always be 1.
    1 = k/5
    k = 5
    Hence, the value of k is 5

Q11. log 2 = .3010,  log 3 = .4771 . log 18 का मान क्या है?
calculate:log 2 = .3010,  log 3 = .4771 . log 18 = ?

  1. 13
  2. 1.2552
  3. 0
  4. 1/13
  5. Answer is: 1.2552
  1. Solution with Explanation
  2. 18 = 2· 32. Therefore,
    log 18 = log (2· 32)
    log 2 + log 32
    log 2 + 2 log 3
    .3010 + 2(.4771)
    .3010 + .9542

Q12. यदि log 3 = .4771  है, तो log 3000 का मान ज्ञात करें-
if  log 3 = .4771   Evaluate log 3000

  1. -6
  2. 3.4771
  3. -9
  4. -5
  5. Answer is: 3.4771
  1. Solution with Explanation
  2. If we write 3000 in scientific notation, then
    log 3000 = log (3 × 103)
    log 3 + log 103
    .4771 + 3

Q13. एक आयत की लंबाई व चौड़ाई का अनुपात 7:4 है और परिमाप 88 सेमी है तो लम्बाई और चौड़ाई का अंतर क्या होगा?
If the ratio of length and breadth of a rectangle is 7:4 and its perimeter is 88cm, then what will be the difference of its length and breadth.

  1. 16 सेमी/Cm.
  2. 12 सेमी/Cm.
  3. 28 सेमी/Cm.
  4. 14 सेमी/Cm.
  5. Answer is: 12 सेमी/Cm.
  1. Solution with Explanation
  2. Perimeter Of Rectangle = 2(length + breadth)
    2(7x + 4x) = 88 cm
    2(11x) = 88 cm
    22x = 88
    x = 4
    The difference of its length and breadth
    length = 7*4 = 28 cm
    breadth = 4*4 = 16 cm
    Length – Breadth = 28 – 16
    = 12

Q14. 2, 6, 8, 24 का गुणोत्तर माध्य क्या होगा?
the Geometric mean of 2, 6, 8, 24 is

  1. √48 = 4√3
  2. 16
  3. 24
  4. 4.8
  5. Answer is: √48 = 4√3
  1. Solution with Explanation
  2. Geometric Mean of 4 Numbers = multipication of these numbers/ 4th root

Q15. 10.4 की.ग्रा., 40 की.ग्रा का कितना प्रतिशत है?
What percent of 40 k.g is 10.4 kg?

  1. 26%
  2. 24.6%
  3. 28%
  4. इनमे से कोई भी नहीं/none of the above
  5. Answer is: 26%
  1. Solution with Explanation
  2. 40/100*x = 10.4
    2x/5 = 10.4
    x = 26%

Q16. यदि 4a3 + 1 = 501 तो ‘a’ का क्या मान होगा ?
If 4a3 + 1 = 501 then value of a is?

  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 6
  4. इनमे से कोई भी नहीं/none of the above
  5. Answer is: 5
  1. Solution with Explanation
  2. 4a³ = 501-1
    4a³ = 500
    a³ = 500/4
    a³ = 125
    a = 5

Q17. x2 + 15x + 56 के क्या गुणनखण्ड होंगे?
Factorization of x2 + 15x + 56 is?

  1. (x – 7)(x – 8)
  2. (x – 7)(x + 8)
  3. (x + 7)(x + 8)
  4. (x + 7)(x – 8)
  5. Answer is: ( x + 7 )( x + 8 )
  1. Solution with Explanation
  2. x² + 15x + 56
    x² + (7 + 8)x + 56
    x² + 7x + 8x + 56
    x(x + 7) + 8(x + 7)
    (x + 8) (x + 7)

Q18. 5000 रु पर 8% दर से 2 साल का साधारण ब्याज क्या होगा?
What will be the simple interest of Rs 5000 at the rate of 8% for 2 years?

  1. Rs. 1200
  2. Rs. 1000
  3. Rs. 800
  4. Rs. 750
  5. Answer is: 800
  1. Solution with Explanation
  2. Simple Interest = (Principal*Rate*Time)/100
    Simple Interest = (5000*8*2)/100
    Simple Interest = 800

Q19. एक आदमी 2.5 कि.मी. 10 मिनट में पूरा करता है। उसकी चाल किलोमीटर प्रति घंटा बताओ.
Find speed in Km/hr. if a man completes 2.5 km. in 10 minutes.

  1. 10 कि.मी. प्रति घंटा/km/hr
  2. 15 कि.मी. प्रति घंटा/km/hr
  3. 12 कि.मी. प्रति घंटा/km/hr
  4. इनमे से कोई भी नहीं/none of the above
  5. Answer is: 15 km/hr
  1. Solution with Explanation
  2. Speed = Distance/Time
    Distance = 2.5 km
    Time = 10 minutes = 10/60 hours
    15 km/hr

Q20. x का मान क्या होगा?
Find the Value of x.

  1. 47°
  2. 37°
  3. 38°
  4. 42°
  5. Answer is: 37°
  1. Solution with Explanation
  2. Vertically opposite angles are always equal
    ∴ 72° = x + 35°
    x = 72° – 35°
    = 37°

If you think that any of the answers to the questions is wrong, or if you want to discuss and clear your doubts about any topic then please feel free to comment. We will respond in the best possible way.

Check Also: Indian Army GD Maths Questions

Army online test

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  1. ye sare question mere email pe bhej dijiye

  2. Good questions

  3. Hello sir, Is the Indian army GD exam too difficult?

    1. Prof. Rajeev Mehra

      No, army gd paper is not very difficult. In fact, it is one of the easiest of all trade after tradesmen.

  4. Hello sir,
    I will complete my final year B. TECH in ECE this year. What should i do to become lieutenant in in Indian army after my graduation

    1. Prof. Mohan Singh Rawat

      You can apply for CDS (tech and non-tech both), or you can also apply for TGC. Clear any of these exams, and you can become lieutenant in Indian army.

  5. Hello sir, i am doing my 12th with PCM. What should i do to become lieutenant in in Indian army after class 12th.

    1. Prof. Mohan Singh Rawat

      To become directly an officer in Indian army, you should apply for NDA after 12th.

  6. Do trigonometry topic comes in Indian army general duty written exam? i want to know sir because i am preparing for the written exam.

    1. Prof. Mohan Singh Rawat

      Yes trigonometry questions of 10th level may come in written exam of soldier GD.

  7. Dear sir/madam,
    I have cleared physical and medical of soldier gd. I will attend written exam after a short period of one month. I don’t have Android set. How I will prepare for written exam. Sir please give a suggestion or solution. Can I prepare with the help of school books or send me names of books for preparation. Please help me sir / madam. Reply soon please.

    1. Hello Sikun,
      Please refer to our article “best books for Indian army”, we have covered best book that you can prepare from for all the treads.

  8. sir
    I completed my diploma in ECE. Now i m doing engineering. Iwant to join army, but the problem is i have glasses (SPH is -2.00). I want to know that the glasses are allowed or not? please tell me sir and give some information.

    1. Prof. Rajeev Mehra

      Hello Shruti,
      you are just on the edge. Technically you are eligible to apply for army, but there is no saying if they will let you through the medical test. It totally depends on the competition.

  9. Sir, I am polytechnic student after passing I want to join in Indian Army. Can I join in technical post and what percentage is needed!?

    1. Hello Munin, yes you can apply for Indian army technical, for complete detail follow this link:

  10. hlo sir
    please provide online test series for soldier technical..with preference of time

    1. Hello Sumit, Thank you for your query. as soon as possible we will do it.

  11. Sir, can i get all these questions in pdf?

    1. Hello Tingshei, you can purchase Indian Army Papers(PDF format) from this link:

  12. Sir,I want to ask to get selected for para special forces is it required to have 100 marks or else we can cover from written examination since I got 88

    1. Hello Abishek, It is not required to have 100 marks. When you get selected and join Indian army, you have to go through the 9 months of training. After that you can apply for para special forces and there will be another 3 or 6 months of training for para special force.

  13. sir please send army tradesman cee pattron syllabus and latest question paper .
    all army trade

  14. Sir technical post Mai physical k no judta haii kya

    1. Amrit, Physical numbers do not add to the technical post but it is necessary to clear the technical.

  15. Sir mene 12th class kar li h and mere 18+ age hoge he sar muje Indian army join karni please help me with exam so ican help

    1. Prof. Rajeev Mehra

      Hello Wasim,
      To know everything about Indian Army please Click Here

  16. Sir, please help me ..where I get soldiers technical aviation sample paper…

    1. Hi Susovan,
      Sorry to say, but we don’t have Aviation sample papers.

  17. Sir hum army tacnical Ka exam dunga January ma .kuch tacnical Ka practice paper all subjects Ka Lia help ki jia Na please.

    1. Hi Joydev,
      For Soldier Technical practice paper, you should read our article or simply you can type “Soldier Technical Sample and Previous Year Papers” in search box of our website.

  18. Hello mam. Please tell me how I should prepare for exam of army technical and give me information regarding syllabus

    1. Hi Gobinda,
      We already provided articles regarding syllabus and how to prepare for Army technical. You need to type Soldier Technical syllabus and How to Prepare for Soldier Technical in the search box of I hope you will get information regarding your topics.

  19. Sir
    Army ke written exam mein kitne percent advance maths milta h

    1. Hello Gurdeep,
      The level of maths questions depends on the trade that you have applied for. Like for GD, the questions are not that hard, but for technical, maths questions can be tricky.

  20. Sir,
    Is the physical mark helpful for merit in soldier technical post.

    1. Prof. Rajeev Mehra

      Hello Crishna,
      The final merit list for soldier technical is made after combining marks of PFT + written exam. So, yes the marks of physical test will be helpful in final merit list.

  21. Hello sir. Mai ye jan na chahta hun ki race minimum kitne time me complete karni hoti hai. Please reply.

    1. Hi Ajit.
      Indian army have revised the running timing of 1.6 km race. If you complete the race in 5 min 30 sec then 60 marks are given while if you take 5 min 31 sec to 5 min 45 sec then 48 marks are provided.

  22. Hello mam. Please tell me how I should prepare for exam of army GD and give me information regarding syllabus of it.

    1. Hi Soumya.
      If you are looking for soldier GD syllabus then just search for ‘Indian Army GD Written Exam Syllabus, Topics, Books & Test Papers’ in the search box of our website and there you will find all the information. To clear the written exam you will have to work hard. Set a timetable for yourself and follow it strictly. Give equal time to every subject. Topics in which you think you need to work a little harder give it extra time. Keep yourself focused. For soldier GD you should practice from previous year paper and sample paper as you will get the idea of important questions. Practice as much as you can.

  23. Hello mam. I type wrong address by mistake when I registered on JCO. I want to know does that mean my registration is canceled or not please tell me.

    1. Hi Bikki.
      As, you have mentioned that you have filled the wrong address during registration then at present all you can do is log on to the official website of Indian army and fill the feedback form explaining your query there. This is the only way to make any chances in your registration form.

  24. Hi maine 12th ke exam do bar diya hai. Dusri bar mai 53% se pass hua hu aur pure subject mai 40 ke upar marks hai toh kya mai technical ke liye eligible hu.

    1. Hi Mayur.
      The eligibility criteria for technical post is 10+2/Intermediate Exam pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English with 50% marks in aggregate and 40% marks in each subject. According to your marks you are eligible for this post. But make sure you have studied all the subjects that are mentioned above.

  25. Sir my name is souvik. Mere class 10th mai 62.8% and HS mai 66%(science) marks hai. But mujh knock knees ki problem hai. Kya mai nursing k liye apply kar sakta hu?

    1. Hi Souvik.
      For nursing assistant post you must have scored minimum 40% marks in each subject(PCB and English) and 50% aggregate in 12th. But as you have mentioned that you have knock knees problem then you will get rejected in the medical round. So, even if you fulfill the education eligibility criteria you are not fit to join Indian army.

  26. Hi. Myself Saurabh. Sir I am leaving Aurangabad city. Now there is advertise of Nagpur army Bharati. In this Bharati I want to apply for both soldier technical and nursing assistant. So can I do so?

    1. Hi Saurabh.
      You cannot apply for two different trades in a single army bharti. You can either apply for soldier Technical or nursing assistant post. Both of these post have different education qualification criteria and you must fulfill them only then you will be eligible for that post.

  27. Hello Sir. I have completed my diploma. I want to know that are there any vacancies in Indian army for which I can apply based on diploma degree. Am I eligible for army technical. Please reply sir.

    1. Hi Sudhendu.
      As, you have mentioned that you are a diploma holder then you can apply for soldier technical(Aviation & Ammunition Examiner) post if you fulfill the eligibility criteria which is 10 +2 / Intermediate exam pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English with 50% marks in aggregate and 40% marks in each subject. OR Three years Diploma in Engg (Mechanical /Electrical/ Automobiles/ Computer Science Mechanical Engg and Electronic & Instrumentation Engg) from a recognized Polytechnic Institute. The age limit criteria for this post is 17 and half to 23 years.

  28. Sir I want to know that my father is ex-servicemen but I have no knowledge about relation certificate. How to get it and what benefits will I have of this certificate? At present my age is now 21 years. Please help me.

    1. Hi Aishvary.
      The relationship certificate is a document that states that you are son of an ex-serviceman. Your father and you will have to approach the unit he was serving in with valid documents. CO of the unit will be the one who will sign the certificate. You will have number of benefits like you will get relaxation in physical standards(height, weight and chest) and also some bonus marks in the written exam. According to your age you can apply for clerk, soldier technical etc but you must also fulfill all the eligibility criteria.

  29. Hi sir mera naam Prem hai. Mai June me hi 18 years ka hua hu. Mai aapse ye puchhna chahta hu mai army me jane ke liye kya teyari karu.

    1. Prof. Divyanshi Sharma

      Hi Prem.
      Good to hear that you look forward to join Indian army. If you have completed your 12th then you have the great opportunity to apply for NDA exam. This exam is conducted by UPSC twice year for students who want to join Indian amry, Navy and Air force as an officer. There is no percentage criteria that is required to apply for this exam. This the best option for you at present. For more information on NDA exam just search for ‘Complete NDA Selection Process – How To Get Selected’ in the search box of our website.

  30. Hello sir. Mene army soldier GD ka physical pass kr liya hai. Ab sir mujeh paper k liye tips btao aur books ka nam bhi bta doh.

    1. Prof. Divyanshi Sharma

      Hi Naveen.
      Congratulations on clearing the physical round. Now your next challenge is written exam for which you will have to work really hard. Before you start your preparation make sure that you are fully aware with the exam pattern and the syllabus. Set a time table and study regularly. Keep yourself focused while studying. Books like ‘Indian Army NER Soldier GD Exam by SK Publication’, ‘NER Soldier GD Kit(English) by SK Publication’ and ‘Soldier General Duty (NER) Exam by Arihant’ are good books to study from. Practice from previous year paper and sample paper. Along with it also give online test. Just be dedicated towards your study and you will clear your exam for sure.

  31. Hi sir. This is Ravi Teja studying civil engineering in an university. I will finish my engineering in 2018 So how can I apply for army and for what post I can apply? Can I apply at the final year of engineering?

    1. Prof. Divyanshi Sharma

      Hi Ravi.
      As, you have mentioned that you are pursuing engineering at present and look forward to join Indian army then the best option for you is CDS exam. This exam is conducted by UPSC twice a year for graduates who aspires to join Indian army, Navy and Air Force as officers. The age limit criteria is different for army, Navy and Air Force. Another option for you to join Indian army is through UES(University Entry Scheme) exam but thorough exam you can only join Indian Navy. You must fulfill all the eligibility criteria for this exam only then you can apply.

  32. Hello sir, my brother is working in Indian army and I have relation certificate. I have passed in Indian army GD physical test. How much relaxation of marks will I get based on relation certificate? Please reply.

    1. Prof. Divyanshi Sharma

      Hi Akhil.
      First of all congratulations on qualifying the physical round. If you have a relation certificate then you will get 20 marks as bonus in the written exam for the post of soldier GD.

  33. Hii sir mera physical clear ho gaya h. Ab exam ki kuch tips bataiye soldier technical k liye.

    1. Prof. Divyanshi Sharma

      Hi Ajay.
      First of all congratulation that you have cleared the first phase of that is physical test. Now your next challenge is the written exam. You must be aware with the pattern of the written exam which consist of 50 questions of 100 marks so, you have prepare yourself according to that. Practice from previous year paper and sample paper, it will help you a lot. You will realize the pattern of the important questions. Along with it give online test also. It’s the best way to practice for the exam. For more information read ‘Soldier Technical Syllabus, Paper Pattern And Books’ in our website.

  34. Hi sir , mera height 170 hai , weight 51kg , passed 12th 72 percent ,in 2016, Mai technical ke liye apply kar sakta hu.

    1. Prof. Divyanshi Sharma

      Hi Manish, yes sure, you can apply for the soldier technical post in Indian Army.

  35. Ptabhat Kumar singh

    Hii sir… My father is Indian army and I have relation certificate. My height is 169cm.Can I be selected in GD. complete 10th standard.I have more than 55% marks in each subject.
    What is the process for relation certificate?.plz tell me sir. Plz plz plZ

    1. Prof. Divyanshi Sharma

      Hi Ptabhat.
      Yes, you are eligible for Soldier GD post. If you have the relation certificate then you can also apply for relation bharti. As, you have mentioned that you have relation certificate then extra 20 marks will be given in the written exam of Soldier GD.

  36. Himanshu Kumar singh

    Hii sir… My father is Indian army and I have relation certificate. My height is 169cm. complete 12th standard in science with phy, che, mat.I have more than 47% marks in each subject.can I be select in clerk.
    What is the process for relation certificate?.plz tell me sir. Plz plz plZ

    1. Prof. Divyanshi Sharma

      Hi Himanshu.
      The eligibility criteria for the post of clerk is 60% aggregate and 50% in each subject in class 12th. Only if you fulfill all the eligibility criteria then you can apply for the post of clerk. If you have the relation certificate then you will get relaxation in physical standards and you will be given extra 20 marks in the written test for the post of clerk.

  37. Hi sir I m just in 12 . I scored 53.80% in 10 .
    I have a skin problem name psoriasis.
    It is full on my body .
    Can I apply for army bharti.
    Because my father said that u should b in army.and at a good post.

    1. Prof. Divyanshi Sharma

      Hi Anil.
      Sorry to say but at this moment you cannot apply for army. Try some treatment, if you get cured than you can look forward to join Indian army.

  38. Sir mere 10th main 1 subject me less than 40% (math)hain but mere 10th main 62% hain and diploma main 76& main eligible hu for the post of technical?

    1. Prof. Divyanshi Sharma

      Hi Sagar.
      We regret to say, but you cannot apply for the post of technical in Indian Army, as according to the criteria you must have scored atleast 40% marks in every subject in both your 10th and 12th.

  39. Sir,
    NCC Certificate ke fayde bta de mera pass A hai, abhi mai nhi lga paya hu, written k time lga skta hu. Kitna benefit hoga mujhe clerk me NCC se. NCC B an C certificate k bhi benefit bta de

    1. Prof. Divyanshi Sharma

      Hi Jitendra.
      If you are NCC A certificate holder, then you will get relaxation in written
      Soldier GD = 5 marks
      Soldier Clerk/ Store Keeper/ Technical/ Soldier Technical/ Nursing = 5 marks
      Soldier Tradesmen = 5 marks

      NCC B Certificate
      Soldier GD = 10 marks
      Soldier Clerk/ Store Keeper/ Technical/ Soldier Technical/ Nursing = 10 marks
      Soldier Tradesmen = 10 marks

      NCC C Certificate
      Soldier GD = exempted from CEE
      Soldier Clerk/ Store Keeper/ Technical/ Soldier Technical/ Nursing = 15 marks
      Soldier Tradesmen = exempted from CEE

  40. Sir,I complete 10th standard.I have more than 50% marks in each subject.Can I join indian army

    1. Prof. Divyanshi Sharma

      Hi Gursharan. There is an open rally bharti for soldier Gd, you can apply for that. Apart from it, for other posts, the required percentage is 50% marks in aggregate and 40% marks in each subject in class 10th and class 12th.

  41. Grt to reading your reply sir,
    I just completed my diploma sir., My doubt is that, I have a microvascular surgery on my left hand small finger, because of a glass cut.But now i van take 15 pushups and everything without any problem..,but i can’t bend and hold that finger completely. So , is this make me out of medical test in Indian army??

    1. Thanks a ton Amarnath. I would suggest you to ask your query in the Feedback form of the official website of Indian army to get a better solution.

  42. Hello sir ji ….my question is that ….technical me kya running hotti hai ager ha tohh kitna km ki hotti hai….???

    1. Yes Sonu, if you are applying for soldier technical, then you will need to clear the physical fitness test first, and it involves running of 1.6 km or 1600 meters.

  43. Sir clerk ka sample paper konse site se download kare plz help!

    1. Hey Rohit, you can get all the sample papers you want from Just write “army previous year papers” in the search box of 4ono. You well find plenty of sample papers for clerk.

  44. vinay kumar chapra bihar

    Sir mai hamesa run pass karta hu mera clerk me merrit list nhi banta hai mujhe tips dijiye exam pass Marne k liye mera English weak hai.

    1. Hey Vinay, please refer to the article “how to prepare for Indian army“. You will get lot’s of tips and trick on how to prepare for army.

  45. Sir What is Syllabus for Army Clerk according to new pattern?

    1. Prof. Rajeev Mehra

      Hello Sanjay, please see the article “army exam and syllabus” to see the syllabus of Indian army. You will find all the details needed there.

  46. Sir, do i need to have a hard preparation for the clerk post?

    1. Prof. Rajeev Mehra

      Hello Samuel, the written exam for clerk and technical post are considered quite tough. But, army written exams are easier than other government exams. In any case you should prepare the best you can.

    2. Prof. Rajeev Mehra

      Hello Samuel, the written exam for clerk and technical post are considered quite tough. But, army written exams are easier than other government exams. In any case, you should prepare the best you can.

  47. Sir kya aap mujhe kuch important questions bata sakte hain? please sir help me! mai army join karna chata hun. Sir mai ek chote se gaon se hun, yehan to koi coaching bhi nahi hai.

    1. Prof. Rajeev Mehra

      Hello Ravi, relax! there is no need of coaching, as you can crack the exam on your own. I think you need a good book to prepare from. Just click on the following link : best books for army.

  48. Sir mera name Ravi Tiwari hai. Mai ye pochna chata hun ki technical solider ki test ki teyeare kaise karun? book name please.

    1. Prof. Rajeev Mehra

      Hello Ravi, to know which books is best for you to prepare for technical soldier, please visit our article “best books for army”. You can even order a book from there if you like.

  49. mohammad akhtar ali

    sir nursing stand ke paper ke bare main bataye

    1. Prof. Rajeev Mehra

      Hello Akhtar, Nursing assistant exam paper consist of 200 marks. Mostly Question comes from the General Knowledge, Maths, Biology and Chemistry. Time duration for Nursing assistant exam is 1hr and To qualify the exam you should get more than 80 marks.

  50. Respected Sir,
    I want to join Indian Army as an software engineer, Can you please help me to know what are the basic requirements and qualifications?

    1. Prof. Rajeev Mehra

      Hello! Moris, you can join Indian army as technical soldier, or through TGC entry. If you apply for soldier technical then you will need the following qualifications:-

      age between 17½ to 23 years, 12th (PCM) pass with 50% aggregate marks and 40% in each subject.

      To be eligible for the post of Lieutenant (technical) you need to have the following qualification.

      Age – 16½-19½ Years
      Qualifications – 10+2 (70% marks with PCM)

      For TGC

      Age – 21-27 Years
      Qualifications – BE / B.Tech streams of Engineering / B.Arch MSc computer.

  51. please solve Q.20

    1. Prof. Rajeev Mehra

      Hello Horil lal, the question you are asking has already been solved in the comment. Please see the comments, you will find solution for all the questions there.

  52. Thank you for this answer. Please inform me if there are any exam like this.

    1. Prof. Rajeev Mehra

      Hello Pravin, glad to know that you liked this article. Though, I could not understand your question properly, but I guess you are asking for the Army upcoming recruitment, if it is so, then just click on the link given. You will get the list of upcoming recruitment for this year. Do comment again, if it was something else you wanted to ask.

  53. I am so grateful, because as I verified the answers, I felt that I was in exam hall. Thanks a lot for this questions which gave me a little experience.

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