Online Test Reasoning- Verbal Classification

Remember, you are looking for the word that does NOT belong in the same group as the others. Sometimes, all four words seem to fit in the same group. If so, look more closely to further narrow your classification.

Q 1.Artist is to painting as senator is to

  1. wing
  2. fin
  3. beak
  4. rudder
  5. Answer is: beak

Q 2.Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  1. two
  2. three
  3. six
  4. eight
  5. Answer is: three

Q 3.Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  1. eel
  2. lobster
  3. crab
  4. shrimp
  5. Answer is: eel

Q 4.Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  1. area
  2. variable
  3. circumference
  4. quadrilateral
  5. Answer is: variable

Q 5.Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  1. seat
  2. rung
  3. cushion
  4. leg
  5. Answer is: cushion

Q 6.Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  1. excite
  2. flourish
  3. prosper
  4. thrive
  5. Answer is: excite

Q 7.Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  1. mayor
  2. lawyer
  3. governor
  4. senator
  5. Answer is: lawyer

Q 8.Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  1. aorta
  2. heart
  3. liver
  4. stomach
  5. Answer is: aorta

Q 9.Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  1. defendant
  2. prosecutor
  3. trial
  4. judge
  5. Answer is: trial

Q 10.Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  1. acute
  2. right
  3. obtuse
  4. parallel
  5. Answer is: parallel

Q 11.Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  1. triangle
  2. circle
  3. oval
  4. sphere
  5. Answer is: triangle

Q 12.Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  1. scythe
  2. knife
  3. pliers
  4. saw
  5. Answer is: pliers

Q 13.Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  1. biology
  2. chemistry
  3. theology
  4. zoology
  5. Answer is: theology

Q 14.Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  1. evaluate
  2. assess
  3. appraise
  4. instruct
  5. Answer is: instruct

Q 15.Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  1. unique
  2. beautiful
  3. rare
  4. exceptional
  5. Answer is: beautiful

Q 16.Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  1. fair
  2. just
  3. equitable
  4. favorable
  5. Answer is: favorable

Q 17.Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  1. peninsula
  2. island
  3. bay
  4. cape
  5. Answer is: bay

Q 18.Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  1. core
  2. seeds
  3. pulp
  4. slice
  5. Answer is: slice

Q 19.Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  1. wing
  2. fin
  3. beak
  4. rudder
  5. Answer is: beak

Q 20.Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  1. tulip
  2. rose
  3. bud
  4. dais
  5. Answer is: bud
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  1. Abubakakar muhammad


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